However, direction and a renewed impetus were garnered from other blogs, where I saw the benefits of having a plan to follow. They followed a schedule, no matter how loose, which at the very least seemed that they had goals to be achieved with an ultimate end towards which they proceeded. Logical, yes, but I’ve never been too good at ‘logic’. It has taken a long time for the penny to drop, So here I am, one year later, with very little to show for my efforts, a couple of completed regiments, a handful of unrelated figures and so many ‘new’ projects that I’m fearing for my sanity.
So, as I said, I’ve reorganised, prioritised and restructured, condensing my many projects down to two – Sherrifmuir 1715 and The English Civil war. The first of these will stay on this blog, and the second has a blog all of its own –War Without An Enemy.
At the present work on the English Civil War project has taken centre stage, as can be seen from the blog. However, my Sherrifmuir project hasn’t been forgotten, and I shall be returning to that soon. Hopefully, I can focus on these two projects, without the distraction of other periods tempting me away.

Good luck
ReplyDeleteRemember you still have this hobby as enjoyment first project management second ;)